WordPress Role Management: New Plugin

I’ve never been happy with how WordPress deals with user permissions and roles. I’ve always wanted to customize it further, and while it is supposedly possible to do without a plugin, having a nice user interface makes the world of difference.
Justin Tadlock is currently working on a new Role Management Plugin that might add important features for those running multi-author sites.
Currently in beta, he is looking for testers for this plugin. What can it do?
  • Edit Roles: Edit your user roles and their capabilities.
  • New Roles: Create new roles for use on your site.
  • Content Permissions: Adds a meta box on your write post/page editor that allows you to restrict content to specific roles.
  • Widgets: Adds a login form widget and user-listing widget that you can use in any widget area on your site.
  • Shortcodes: Creates shortcodes that you can use to restrict or allow access to certain parts of your posts and pages (or any other shortcode-capable area).
  • Template Tags: New functions for use within your WordPress theme for various things.
  • Private Blog: Allows you to create a private blog that can only be accessed by users that are logged in (redirects them to the login page).
If you are interested in testing it, or just starting to use it on your blog, head on over toJustin’s site, and grab your copy today.

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